2023 CGS YP Mentorship Program Mentee Registration Form
Program Timing: October 2022 - May 2023
Program Requirements: 
  • Geotechnical professional with under 10 years experience (students excluded at this time)
  • Commit to a minimum of six meetings with assigned mentor
In a constant effort to facilitate a robust program, there are many factors and variables considered while enrolling applicants. The CGS YP Committee does not guarantee registrants of acceptance to, or participation in this year's mentorship program. This year will be a pilot program, as such the total number of mentorship matches is expected to be limited. Not all applicants may be selected to participate in a given year, and are encouraged to apply again the following year.

Please contact CGS YP personnel (Brennan McMullin at b.mcmullin@bgcengineering.ca or Intisar Ahmed at iahmed@thurber.ca) for any questions
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Name (Last, First) *
Email Address *
Location (Province/Territory) *
Years of Industry Experience *
Current Employer *
Please provide a brief write-up that describes what you are looking for in a mentor. (approx. 100 words)
(Optional A) Which of the following most accurately describe you?
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(Optional B)  Which of the following most accurately describe you?
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Do you have a preference for mentor gender or race/ethnicity? Leave blank if not applicable (Optional)
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