TutorCruncher App for Tutors
Are you a tutor? We want to hear from you! We're looking to see if there's interest in creating an app specifically for tutors like you so it would be amazing if you could spare a moment to complete this survey!

With this new app, we want to focus on all the must-have features for effective tutoring that will ultimately make your life easier. Your input will help us tailor the app to better suit your needs and create a platform that will increase your efficiency as a tutor.

Thank you for your participation! 
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Are you a full time or a part time tutor? *
How many hours do you tutor per week?
How long have you been using TutorCruncher?
How often do you log in to TutorCruncher?
How often do you log in to TutorCruncher on your phone?
If you use TutorCruncher, what do you do? (Select 1 or more) *
How often do you receive payments from clients?
How do you get paid? (Select all that apply)
What teaching tools do you use to teach online? (Select 1 or more)
How many tutoring companies do you work with?
How many hours of private lessons do you teach outside of the work that you do with tutoring companies?
What are the biggest challenges that you face in managing your personal tutoring activities? (Select all that apply)
What features would you find most beneficial in an app designed for Tutors? (Select all that apply) *
How much are you willing to pay for this app on a monthly basis? *
Would you be interested in participating in a focus group to gather insights on your app needs? *
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