Presence Academy Kids
Presence Academy Kids uses the art of ACTING & IMPROV to help students learn to tune in to themselves and those around them in a fun and supportive environment with expert coaches. We'll play games, practice mindfulness techniques, and create imaginative scenes. If you already love performing or if you're just curious about ways to improve your personal relationships and make new friends, this class is for you!
Invite your friends!

6-week class series
Location: 777 NE 7th Street, Grants Pass, OR
Dates: Tuesdays, 3:30pm-5:30pm, April 4, April 11, April 18, April 25, May 2, May 9
Cost: $5/class x 6 classes=$30/child/session
Enrollment will be finalized once payment has been collected here.

Please answer the following questions to enroll your child.
We appreciate you providing responses to our demographic questions as this information helps us to apply for grants and scholarships to fund this program.  All information remains anonymous. 
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Email *
Student Full Name *
Age and Grade Level *
What school does your child currently attend? *
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Ethnicity (Race)
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Household Size
Annual Income
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What area(s) of the Valley does your child reside?
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