Bus to Velva-Garrison vs. Rugby September 17
This form is to be filled out by parents to allow their child or children attend the game on a bus driven by Dr. K. to Velva on September 17, 2021.  All students in grades 6-12 are able to attend without a parent.  All students in grades PK-5 must be accompanied by an adult.  Also, any members of the public who wish to go to the game via the bus must fill out the information on this form.  All who attend the game will be responsible for their admission to the game along with any purchases made, but the bus will be FREE to ride.  The bus will depart from the high school promptly at 5:15 pm and will return immediately following the game.  This will be a great opportunity to show our support for our students and newly formed coop.  Thank you.  
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First and Last Name *
Grade Level *
If your child is under in grades PK-5, who is the parent(s) attending the game with your child or children.  (First and Last Name)
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