I want mentoring

So nice that you're reaching out! In this questionnaire, you can introduce yourself, describe your needs and ask your questions.

I work with very diverse profiles, from beginning teachers to seasoned coaches, all levels are welcome. This questionnaire helps me figure out if I can offer you what you are looking for and allows me to propose a tailor-made offer.
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Email *
What's your first name?
What's your last name?
What's your age?
Where do you live? (City, country)
What's your phone number?
Have you already taken voice lessons or vocal coaching? With this question, I'm referring to your education as a singer yourself.
If you have already taken voice lessons or vocal coaching, you can share additional information here.
Have you already received training and / or mentoring as a voice teacher / vocal coach? With this, I'm not talking about your education as a singer yourself. This question is only related to your education as a teacher / coach.
If you have already received training and / or mentoring, you can share additional information here.
Do you have other experience with and / or training in relevant subjects (music, acting, performing, voice, body work,...)? *
If you have replied "Yes" to the former question, please, specify:
How would you describe yourself as a teacher? *
Which statement suit you best? (Multiple answers possible) *
If you want, you can provide additional information about the above question.
What motivates you to spend time, energy and money on mentoring? *
What are you looking for? What options can bring you closer to your goals? (Multiple answers possible) *
If you have ticked the box "I also want voice lessons / vocal coaching for myself", please, fill out this questionnaire too:
If you want, you can provide additional information about what you are looking for here. You can also enter an option that you are looking for, but that is not in the list above.
I mainly work online and occasionally come to Belgium to teach in Kortrijk and Ghent. You're also welcome for in-person sessions in Llíber, Spain. Is this OK for you? *
How did you find out about me and what made you decide to contact me? *
How convinced are you at the moment that you want to work with me? *
I don't know yet if I want this.
I am 100% convinced that I want to do this!
What is your monthly budget to work with me? This is about my total offer: Private sessions, webinars, group lessons,... This information allows me to propose a personalized offer to you, with the needs that you shared above in mind.
If there is any information that is important for our work together, please share it here so that I can be considerate about it. Neurodivergence, medical info, pronouns, sensitivities, difficult past experiences,...
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
Let’s talk! We’ll schedule a Discovery call via Zoom to get to know each other, answer more questions and determine if you’d like to proceed with booking your first session, the Intake session. When are you available for the Discovery call?
Would you like to subscribe to the newsletter? *
Thank you for filling out this questionnaire!
I will send you my offer via email, based on this questionnaire.

If you contact me on a Friday or a weekend, chances are I won't reply until Monday, unless it's urgent. I often end up in the spam folder - especially with Gmail and Hotmail, so don't forget to check those.

If you don't receive an answer within 2 to 3 days, something may have gone wrong while sending this form. In that case, feel free to send me an email at sarah@singsing.be.

Talk to you soon!

PS: In the meantime, you are more than welcome to the singsing! online community! It is free ;-)
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