2024 Hunger Action Week - Save the Date
You are invited to join the California Hunger Action Coalition (CHAC) for our 2024 Hunger Action Week!

TUESDAY, APRIL 30TH: Save the date for an in-person anti-hunger advocacy day in Sacramento.  

Taking place in Sacramento on Tuesday, April 30th (with tentative plans for additional virtual programming that same week), advocates from across California will mobilize to fight for anti-hunger and anti-poverty policies and investments in food banks, CalFresh, meals for children in schools and child care, and food support increases for immigrants and SSI recipients in California.

You are welcome to participate in the Hunger Action Day activities that make sense for you. Activities will include (subject to change):
  • Advocacy training;
  • Kickoff event and presentation of the Hunger Fighter Awards;
  • Virtual and in-person meetings with legislative offices;
  • Social media action campaigns; and,
  • A closing happy hour and networking opportunity.
We need community members, clients, advocates, and providers from across the state to join us as we share our stories, mobilize online, and build power together to demand crucial investments in addressing hunger and poverty. All are welcome to attend - no advocacy experience required!

Sign up to save the date and get involved! Thank you for sharing this save-the-date with your networks. You will receive details as they become available. 
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Stand with CHAC and Help #EndHungerNow!
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