New Visions for Rio Grande Community Farm 

We are excited to announce the launch of a visionary survey aimed at gathering insights and perspectives to shape the future of our organization. As we embark on this journey of introspection and forward-thinking, we invite all members and stakeholders to participate and contribute to the development of a shared vision that will guide our collective endeavors.

This survey seeks to capture your aspirations, hopes, and dreams for the land and organization. Your input will serve as the cornerstone for strategic planning, decision-making, and transformative action in the years to come.

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Please share what you imagine to be the potential of Rio Grande Community Farm:
What would inspire you to interact with the Farm more often?
What personal or community needs could the Farm do a better job of addressing?
What types of land use would you like to see increase at the Farm in the future?
What programs, classes, or events do you suggest we implement to further the Farm's purpose to provide diverse and underserved communities with equitable access to urban farmland and education in sustainable agriculture - prioritizing food justice, biodiversity, and climate resilience?
What is the Farm doing well?
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Thank you for your input about the future direction of Rio Grande Community Farm! We value your participation!
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