Reading the Revolution : MA250 Suggestions

The Massachusetts Center of the Book (MCB) and the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) are collecting your suggestions to add to our reading lists that aim to embrace the untold and unsung histories and stories in Massachusetts from the past 250 years. This is in partnership with Massachusetts250, a two-year campaign organized by the Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution.

We have focused our lists, Reading the Revolution, on the following subjects:

  • From Rebellion to Early Republic (reading on American Revolution as a whole)
  • The African American Freedom Struggle
  • Women's Suffrage to Women's Liberation
  • American Indian Sovereignty and Civil Rights
  • Asian American Movement
  • ADA and Disability Rights
  • Gay Liberation and LGBTQI Rights
  • Chicano and Latino Civil Rights Movement

Please submit any of your book titles, journal articles and online resources that you would like to see on our reading lists below.

Thank you for suggestions!  Please note that not all suggestions will be included due to size constraints.

For more information on Massachusetts250 and your library, visit the MBLC MA250 Toolkit.

For any questions, please contact Massachusetts Center for the Book at, and/or the MBLC at

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➡️If your suggestion is a book, please select the type of book or reading level.  
➡️If your suggestion is an online resource, please select "Other..." and include a 🔗 link to access.
Is your suggestion available online at:
Pub Year *
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Brief annotation (of why your suggestion should be included) *
Library Organization or Affiliation we can attribute the suggestion to *
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