What's Next Test
If you have not successfully completed What’s Next, you must successfully pass a per-requisite exam to qualify for the Next Level Leadership Course.
अपनी प्रगति को सेव करने के लिए Google में साइन इन करें. ज़्यादा जानें
ईमेल पता *
Name: *
Email: *
5 अंक
Phone Number: *
5 अंक
In your own Words describe what is a Follower of Jesus? Please use scripture to validate your answer. *
5 अंक
What does it take to get to heaven? *
5 अंक
Once someone is truly saved, Can he/she lose their salvation?
5 अंक
चुना हुआ साफ़ करें
Why should a Follower of Jesus get baptized?
5 अंक
चुना हुआ साफ़ करें
Baptism is a part of our worship to God. It literally means to be dipped in water. It is a symbol to the world that you believe that Christ died for your sin and arose from the dead. It represents a new identity with Christ. *
5 अंक
What is the first commandment of the 10 Commandments? *
5 अंक
Jesus claimed that He was God *
5 अंक
What is the best word to describe who the Holy Spirit is? *
5 अंक
What are you doing to grow in your relationship with God? *
5 अंक
The bible is God's word but it does not have the ability to equip you for everything in life
5 अंक
चुना हुआ साफ़ करें
Name 3 or more Spiritual Disciplines for a Christians Life
5 अंक
How do you grow in your relationship with God?
5 अंक
The top 10% belongs to God and 90% is mine to live off of.
5 अंक
चुना हुआ साफ़ करें
What is ministry about in one word?
5 अंक
चुना हुआ साफ़ करें
Do you have a Spiritual Gift?
5 अंक
चुना हुआ साफ़ करें
What are some examples of Spiritual Gifts? *
5 अंक
Please Check all of the Core Values of Connect Church *
5 अंक
Pastor Tez encourages Us to be C3. What is C3? *
5 अंक
सबमिट करें
फ़ॉर्म में भरी गई जानकारी मिटाएं
कभी भी Google फ़ॉर्म के ज़रिए पासवर्ड सबमिट न करें.
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