OPEN CALL "Post Truth" Art-residency

11-18 June 2023. Kyiv, Ukraine

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Your name  *
Your surname *
Your gender  *
How old are you? *
Where do you live in Ukraine? (This call is for residents of Kyiv and Poltava region) *

Why would you like to participate in this project? Please explain how it resonates with you and your interests.

Please, tell us about:
- your artistic practice (if you are an artist) 
- your research interests (if you are a researcher)
- your experience (if you are a civil society activist), etc.

*If you have any online profile such as website, blog or social media, share it if you feel it is relevant.

If you have collaborated with artists before, please share your experience and what you learned from it. If not, would you be open to collaborating with other participants and what do you hope to gain from it?

How would you define the concept of POST TRUTH? How does it apply to your local community? *

Do you have any initial ideas for residency and how it could relate to your current practice or potentially lead to new work? Please share your thoughts.

What do you expect of this residency? Is there anything specific you would like to see, learn from, visit or do?
Feel free to share any suggestions as final comments.

What is your level of English? (English is required for this project).
Special diets and needs: (vegetarian, religious diets, allergies, physical limitations etc.)
Your e-mail, please *
And very last, your phone number
I agree for processing of my personal data according to Ukrainian and EU laws (GDPR-Regulation EU 2016/679)

DEADLINE EXTENDED: 23/05/2023 (midnight Ukrainian time)

The selection process will take place after the deadline. All applicants will be informed by email on final decision. Thank you for your time and motivation.

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