Oklahoma FTC Remote Event Registration
Please fill this out once for each team. You can register for up to five remote events. You should (hoepfully) be able to use the back button on your browser to register more than one team while only changing the team number
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Coach's name *
Coach's email address *
Team number *
Click "Yes" for each event you wish to register this team for.  If you don't wish to register for a particular event then just leave it blank.  
You should register for between 2 and 6 events. Each event will have 6 matches. Standings will be kept using the top 10 match scores for each team no matter how many events they attend.
Nov 29 - Dec 5 - register
Dec 13-19 - register
Jan 17-23 - register
Jan 31 - Feb 6 - register
Feb 14-21 - register
Feb 28-Mar 6
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