Chosen Family Feud (Solo Edition) Survey
Thank you for taking the time to answer these survey questions! This survey should take about 20-30 minutes to fill out. All the questions (and the game played on February 5) will be in English, but if you would like to answer any of these questions on the survey in French you may do so. If you are limited for time, or simply stuck on a question, that is fine! You are not obligated to answer every single question, but it would be helpful if you did. The survey is rated PG14 as some questions include sexual content.

 If you'd like to be a contestant on the show, you MUST NOT look at these survey questions. There is another form to fill out if you'd like to play the game. Email or to request that form or if you have any other questions.
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
I do NOT want to play Chosen Family Feud (Solo Edition) on February 5 2021. *
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Your Email (optional)
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