Cedar Crest Camp Summer 2025 Staff Application
Welcome! We are so glad you are applying to work at Cedar Crest for Summer 2025! 

A NOTE: This application is for those who have NOT worked at Cedar Crest in previous summers. If you are a RETURNING staff member, please email Audrey for our returning staff application!

Contact Program Director Audrey Jordan with any questions, concerns, or for any other information you need during the application process. Call, text, or email, 601-917-3384 or audrey.jordan@twkumc.org.

Applications are due April 1, 2025!
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Email *
Full Name *
Preferred Name *
I am applying for (Check all that apply): *
Age by August 2025 *
Gender *
School Address *
Home Address *
Cell Number *
Names of Parents/Guardians *
How did you hear about Cedar Crest Camp? Check all that apply *
Name of school currently attending (or name of school previously attended with last attended date) *
I am currently a: *
Major/tentative vocational choice: *
Date school closes in spring: *
Home church name and city: *
How long have you been a member there? *
Present church/ministry name and city: *
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