Broadway Refocused - Unit 3 Content Test
Unit 3: South Pacific: The Politics of Race Before The Civil Rights

Essential Questions:

How did South Pacific become a Broadway musical?
How did South Pacific push a conversation about race on the national level?
What themes in South Pacific still resonate in 2020, and how do you continue to elevate those themes even further?

Content Knowledge:

The Inspiration for South Pacific
The Artistic Team of South Pacific - How did director, Joshua Logan, collaborate with Rodgers & Hammerstein?
South Pacific  - the story
Race conversation & South Pacific -- how did race become a national conversation?
Women and People of Color in South Pacific
After Broadway -- where did South Pacific go next?
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In what year did "South Pacific" open on Broadway? *
2 points
What book was the inspiration for the musical "South Pacific"? *
2 points
What song did Rodgers and Hammerstein have to rewrite several time based off the NPR Podcast #1? *
2 points
Who did Josh Logan have to fight with to get Lt. Cable to be "shirtless" after his scene with Liat? *
2 points
How many Tony Awards did "South Pacific" win in 1949? *
2 points
How much were the tickets being scalped for on Broadway? (With the increase of inflation for 2020) *
2 points
Who did Producer, Hal Prince, meet at the opening night of "South Pacific"? *
2 points
True/False: Did the original Broadway director, Joshua Logan, direct the movie as well? *
2 points
What original cast member of "South Pacific" reprised their role in the "South Pacific" film? *
2 points
What song in "South Pacific" talks about racism? *
2 points
Which state were the lawmakers from that wanted to ban "South Pacific" from? *
2 points
What was Trude Rittman billed as in the program? *
2 points
What year was "South Pacific" revived on Broadway at the Lincoln Center? *
2 points
In what ways was "South Pacific" anti-racist? Please explain in 3-4 sentences how the themes, dialogue, and music supported anti-racist tenets. *
10 points
In what ways was "South Pacific" still racist? Or hold racist ideas/ideas? And how did that play out? Please explain in 3-4 sentences. *
10 points
How do you think "South Pacific" resonates in 2020? And do you believe this story should be told today? (This is an opinion piece, so please support your opinion with ideas from the show, etc...) *
10 points
Extra Credit: What two songs did 'RnH Goes Pop' cover from "South Pacific" (2 points each = 4 extra points)
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