Women of Faith in Leadership Podcast Guest opportunity
Thank you for taking an interest in being a guest on my podcast. 

Please fill out the form so I can determine whether it will be a good fit for my listeners. 
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Country *
Time Zone *
What times of the day would suit you best?
Would you be willing to say up late/get up early (i.e. between 10 pm-5 am) to be a guest? This will depend on the time zone. My time zone is AWST +8 *
The Women of Faith in Leadership Podcast covers the following 4 pillars/topics. Which pillars/topics can you talk about and add value to the listeners? *
Are you coming on this show for promotional purposes? *
What happens next?
After you submit this form, I will contact you to let you know whether having you on as a guest will be a good fit. I'll send you a calendar link where you can book a time directly into my calendar. You will receive more information about being a guest on the show (like to expect and some further instructions shortly after booking into my calendar.

I look forward to having you on my show!
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