5 Year Blog Feedback Survey
thank you so much for taking the time to fill this out for me! I appreciate any and all feedback you give so I can improve <3 I know I was pretty much absent in 2021, but that's all the more reason I want to hear from you about what you'd like to see from me moving forward! (aside from actually posting lol)
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what kind(s) of posts do you like to read? *
what kind(s) of posts do you want to read more of? *
what kind(s) of posts do you want to read less of? *
would you still be interested in my posts if I talked about books that are different from what I usually read/blog about (YA)? *
how do you feel about my posts' length? *
what do you like about my blog? *
is there anything you dislike about my blog? *
is there anything you wish I did or didn't do?
which other platforms do you follow me on, if any? *
would you like to see me be more active on those social media accounts?
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any specific content you'd like to see from me?
can be a discussion topic you want to know my thoughts on, a theme for book recommendations, blog advice you're looking for—anything!
any other thoughts/comments/questions/concerns?
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