1-1 lessons enquiry form (for on-site, online & walking courses)
To help us put together a proposal for you and/or your company, please answer the following questions:
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Email *
Student name (in full) *
Which type of training are you interested in? *
If you chose 'other' in the previous question, please state which type of course you are interested in:
Which format of lessons do you want? *
Name of contact person (if different to student)
Contact person's telephone number *
Company address (if booking through a company)
What are your main language goals? *
If you chose 'other' in the previous question, please specify your goal(s):
Have you had a language assessment / intake within the past 6 months? If yes, please provide the result below, along with the name of the institute who carried out the assessment. If you haven't, please click the relevant link below and complete the intake test: *
How many hours (approximately) of training are you interested in booking? *
When are you available for lessons?
How soon would you like to begin lessons? *
Please specify the address for the invoice along with any necessary reference/order numbers: *
Is there anything else we need to consider for the proposal?
Thank you for the information! We'll be in touch soon with a proposal.
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