Volunteer Interest Form: 2024 Twin Cities Book Festival

Rain Taxi's Twin Cities Book Festival wouldn't be possible without the support of volunteers! When you volunteer, you become a part of this massive celebration of our vibrant Minnesota literary culture. Interested volunteers age 16 or older are welcome to fill out this form. Volunteers get some cool swag, plus the joy of making our area's large book event a success! 

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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Shift Times: Most volunteer shifts are three hours long, either on Friday, 10/18 (setup day) between 10 am and 6 pm, or Saturday, 10/19 between 8:30 am and 6 pm. Please check any times you're available to volunteer, and we'll follow up closer to the event to fine-tune your specific time.
Volunteer Roles: Please check any/all volunteer roles or areas you'd be especially interested in. We'll follow up with you closer to the event to assign specific roles. *
Have you volunteered at TCBF before? *

Do you have any experience in the following? Check all that apply.

Please describe any restrictions we should be aware of when assigning you a role.

Cell phone number for day-of communications *
We will keep this private and will only use it if necessary on the day of the Festival. All volunteer communications will take place via email.
Thank you for your interest! If you have additional comments or any questions, feel free to share them here.
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