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Odyssey Speedrun 2025 audition form
Open auditions will take place on Saturday, March 29, 4-7pm at 21 Indian Rock Lane in Hope, RI. Contact Audrey at for more information.
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Your name
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Phone #
Your answer
Auditions will take place on Saturday, March 29, from 4-7pm. When are you available to audition?
I will send a video audition before March 29
List any notable theatre experience here, onstage or backstage.
Your answer
Roles you are interested in
(see this page for list of roles)
Your answer
Most of the ensemble will also be a part of the Greek Chorus (a set of narrators who are onstage most of the show). If cast, are you willing to be part of the Greek Chorus?
Yes, I am comfortable being in the Greek Chorus
No, I would rather just play one character
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Rehearsals are planned to take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7-9pm at Greene Public Library starting in April. Are you available to rehearse at these times?
I am available both days
I am available one of these days
I am not available for these rehearsal times
The show will be performed at the Johnston Senior Center on June 6-8, and may have outdoor shows the weekend of May 31-June 1. Are you available for these performances?
I am available for both weekends
I am only available the weekend of May 31
I am only available the weekend of June 6
One more very important question: are you able to play a verse of "How to Save a Life" by The Fray on guitar?
I can give it my best
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