Westcott Travel survey
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Do you live in Westcott? *
What age bracket are you in? *
How often do you travel to Dorking for any services? (eg shopping, medical, leisure, onward travel, education, sports) *
What is your main mode of transport when travelling to Dorking? *
Do you own a bicycle, tricycle, hand cycle, cargo bike or similar? *
What is stopping you from cycling the short distance into Dorking? This is completely anonymous, please be honest. You can select more than one *
How likely are the following to stop you from cycling the short distance into Dorking? 1=very unlikely, 9 = very likely *
Health conditions
Quality of bike route
Cost of cycling
Air quality concerns
Traffic on busy roads
Lack of places to park your bike in town
Are you aware of the bike route from your village to Dorking? *
If a new bike route was to be built, how important would these following criteria be if you were to use it. How important is safety from traffic in a bike route for you? *
not necessary
must have
How important is route surface / 'smoothness' in a  bike route for you? *
not necessary
must have
How important is signage of a bike route for you? (Imagine you do not know the way, how easy would it be to navigate?)
not necessary
must have
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How important is the ability to use a bike route year round for you? *
not necessary
must have
How important is the width of a bike route so you can pass other users / use as a group or family? *
not necessary
must have
Is there anything else you would like to mention regarding the cycle infrastructure in the area?
Thank you for completing this survey. Have a good day  ;-)
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