Sunday Morning Worship NUC - Dec. 12th, 2021
You are welcome to join us for in-person worship on Sunday at 9:50 a.m.  You will need to register ahead by completing and submitting this form. We will be observing the mask by-law and practice physical distancing. We recommend that those who are able be double-vaccinated.  For the moment you won't be able to sing but you could hum along!  We are not yet providing coffee but you can bring your own.

At this time we are happy to be welcoming up to 50 people on a Sunday morning.
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Please be sure to do a self health check before arriving on site. You will be asked to check in with a greeter on arrival and confirm your self-health check.  Please choose to stay home and join worship with us online, if you or any members of your household are experiencing any of the following symptoms:  fever/chills, coughing/barking cough, shortness of breath, decreased taste/smell, sore throat, congested nose, long-lasting headache, nausea/vomiting or diarrhea, or extreme tiredness/muscle aches.    
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