2025-26 BUSA Committee Application Form
The British University Sailing Association is pleased to announce the commencement of the application process for positions within the committee for the upcoming academic year 2025-26. We are seeking individuals with a demonstrated commitment to sailing and a keen interest in contributing to the organisational and operational aspects of the association.

Participation in the committee offers a unique opportunity to influence the development of British University Sailing as committee members are pivotal in overseeing the successful running of events, cultivating a sense of community, and promoting positive change.

If you are a highly self-motivated, well organised, and passionate university sailor who would like to make a difference or contribute to the success of BUSA in 2025-26, please submit an application.

Application deadline: 2359 Thursday 17th April 2025

Please refer to the 'Role Descriptions' document for full details on each role.
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Email *
Mobile Number *
Full Name *
University you are from *
Current year of study *
Anticipated graduation date   *
Position nominated for: *
Experience (no more than 250 words)
For example - Why would you be a great committee member?  What relevant sailing, committee and leadership experience do you have? - see role descriptions
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