Reference Form for Volunteers
Please fill out this reference form on behalf of the person you are referencing. This document is confidential and will not be seen by the volunteer applicant.
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Volunteer you are referencing's first name *
Volunteer you are referencing's last name
Your Full Name *
Your Email Address *
Your Contact Number *
Please fill out the following questions truthfully and to the best of your knowledge.
How long have you known this individual? In what capacity?
How would you describe the applicant’s ability to work with and relate to other adults?
How would you describe the applicant’s ability to work with and relate to young people?
To the extent you know, please tell me the applicant’s roles with youth; for example, school volunteer, youth coach, daycare volunteer, youth group leader, etc.
Do you think this person is well qualified to work with youth?
Have you observed the applicant working with youth, and if so, can you give me an example of how the applicant relates to young people?
If you have seen the applicant discipline a child, please describe what you saw.
Would you have any reservations about recommending this person to volunteer in a school and work closely with children?
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