Read the statements below and choose the best correct answer for each question.
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It is defined as improving relationships and connections with your colleagues to develop a better working culture. *
This is one of the elements of professionalism which intends to take responsibility for your fault. *
Consideration is being aware of the effect of your works and behaviors on everyone around you and not causing inconvenience to other workmates/colleagues. *
TRUE or FALSE. Working with the team needs regular communication that leads to excellent job performance. *
The way you carry yourself, your attitude, and how you communicate with others are the signs of being a professional. TRUE or FALSE? *
Full Name *
Accepting criticism and recognizing the truth in all situations is one of the elements of professionalism. What elements of professionalism is this? *
Office/Division *
It is defined as longevity and dependability. *
One of the elements of professionalism is tidiness which defines as dressing right in the workplace or choosing the proper clothing for your workplace. *
Position *
Merriam Webster defines this as the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a professional person. *
TRUE or FALSE. Choosing the clothing for your workplace based on your liking is one element of being professional. *
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