Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
At this very moment, I know and understand my calling.
Over the years, my calling has stayed the same.
Over the years, my calling has evolved or changed significantly.
My calling has been greatly shaped by internal factors such as my values, talents, and/or passions.
My calling has been greatly shaped by external factors such as God/Higher Power, family, teachers, peers, and/or larger community.
Living out my calling is quite demanding for me.
Living out my calling is quite fulfilling for me.
Living out my calling does not guarantee a problem-free life.
I need to be willful or determined in order for me to live out my calling.
I need to be willing or exercise surrender in order for me to live out my calling.
My present work or career is an expression of my calling.
My true self emerges as I live out my calling.
My calling has a positive impact to my community.
I need to practice discernment periodically to know and understand my calling.