Understanding Calling Among the Filipino Millennials: An Inquiry by Millennial Tito Monk
Dear Fellow Millennial,

Thank you for taking time to voluntarily answer this short questionnaire!

This endeavor is an informal continuation of the dissertation I wrote last year titled, "When Love Beckons: An Intuitive Inquiry on the Experience of Surrender in Living Out a Calling Among Filipino Millennials". The paper was the final requirement for my MSc in Consciousness, Spirituality and Transpersonal Psychology. After submitting my paper, I felt the desire to dive deeper into my topic and listen to more stories from people like you.

Your insights are invaluable, and your contribution will play a crucial role in deepening our understanding of this fascinating topic. Your responses and information will be treated with utmost confidentiality. By submitting this form, you are giving me permission to include your responses in a simple data analysis where I hope to gain more understanding about the Filipino Millennial's experience of living out their calling. The results may be communicated periodically through my website or social media accounts.

For more information about me and my work, please check out my Linktree profile here or get in touch with me through tome.joed@gmail.com.

Thank you very much for being part of this exciting and meaningful inquiry!


Jo-ed C. Tome, MSc
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Year of Birth *
Nationality *
Gender *
Rate the following statements. *
Somewhat Disagree
Somewhat Agree
At this very moment, I know and understand my calling.
Over the years, my calling has stayed the same.
Over the years, my calling has evolved or changed significantly.
My calling has been greatly shaped by internal factors such as my values, talents, and/or passions.
My calling has been greatly shaped by external factors such as God/Higher Power, family, teachers, peers, and/or larger community.
Living out my calling is quite demanding for me.
Living out my calling is quite fulfilling for me.
Living out my calling does not guarantee a problem-free life.
I need to be willful or determined in order for me to live out my calling.
I need to be willing or exercise surrender in order for me to live out my calling.
My present work or career is an expression of my calling.
My true self emerges as I live out my calling.
My calling has a positive impact to my community.
I need to practice discernment periodically to know and understand my calling.
Right at this moment, I sense my calling is... *
Are you open to being interviewed to further explore your responses above? *
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