Community Call Responder Volunteer Form
This form is meant to collect the info of folks who are interested in volunteering on community visits with Call Bubbie. 

  • Local to PDX
  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Have experience with the mental health system, addiction recovery, or the foster system
  • Ability be able to show up on time or communicate 24 hours prior if you are unable to make a call you have signed up to accompany. It is critical for us to deliver on our promises for folk who have been neglected and overpromised things that do not materialize by the system.
  • Willingness to wear a KN95 (one will be provided if you do not have access)
  • Commitment can be from 0hr-10hrs a month. Whatever your schedule allows. You will have the option to sign up for each of the call times.
Community visits involve visiting someone in the community who has requested a visit in a pair of two. You will be paired with someone who has more experience on your first few calls in order to make sure you feel supported. 

The visit will entail the following:
  • A volunteer request will go out with a time/date. Sign up if it's during a time slot you would like to volunteer for. 
  • A goodie bag/resource sheet will be prepared prior to the call by other members of the team. This includes a community-based resource sheet that may be helpful for the person you will be seeing on the call. 
  • 30 mins prior to the call, you will meet with your partner who will be attending the community visit with you. You will debrief about the requestor's situation to make sure you have context before you visit them.
  • You will show up compassionately and warmly with you partner, speaking with the person for 1.5hr to validate their experiences and make them feel connected to affirming community. The goal is to make this person feel seen/connected so they feel less isolated/alone.
  • After the call, you will likely be tired or buzzing (it is often a very good feeling to connect with someone). Take time with your partner to debrief on what went well and what could have gone better.
  • Take care of yourself. Emotional spoons are still spoons. Hydrate. Eat. Do something to replenish yourself.
We avoid mandatory reporting and HIPAA liability by using aliases for the folk we see. It is critical we remain ignorant to their legal name throughout the duration of our interaction for this reason.
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Pronoun(s) *
Can you drive + have reliable transportation? *
This is absolutely not a requirement; it simply helps with planning purposes.
Do you have any skills or certifications that are helpful?
Absolutely not required and certainly not all experiences (there are way too many). This is simply a good way to know what experience we have on the team.
Email *
Phone number or Signal number   *
What excites you about this position?
Lived experience
These can be very personal questions, so only answer what you feel comfortable with
What are your lived experiences with madness, mental illness, neurodivergence, and disability?
When are you most likely to be available? *
Do you have any accessibility accommodations you need to ensure we can prepare to make your time volunteering comfortable? For example, making sure we have space for a mobility scooter, etc.
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