Keep in Touch!
Please update your contact information and fill out the form according to what you'd like to get involved with at Oakcrest.
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Email *
Name (if married, please include maiden name):
Graduation year: *
Birthdate: *
I have a new: *
Email address
Mailing address (include street, city, state and zip code)
Home #
Mobile #
I am married.  My married name is:
My husband's name is:
I would like to volunteer for/serve as (check all that apply):
I can speak to Oakcrest students about:
Additional opportunities:
If you'd like to further explain your selections, please elaborate here:
We want to celebrate your achievements and milestones, such as marriages, new additions to your family, promotions and new careers, trips, vacations, and anything else you would like to share with your Oakcrest family.  Email us at
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