Dialectica Reunion @ Berkeley/Bay Area
Please fill out this form to express your interest in a Dialectica research reunion during late August or September at (or near) the Topos Institute in Berkeley, CA.
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Name *
How likely are you to attend a Berkeley/Bay Area Dialectica research reunion during...
...the week of Mon, Aug 22–Fri, Aug 26? *
Not at all likely
Very likely
...the week of Mon, Aug 29–Fri, Sep 2? *
Not at all likely
Very likely
...the week of Mon, Sep 5–Fri, Sep 9? *
Not at all likely
Very likely
...the week of Mon, Sep 12–Fri, Sep 16? *
Not at all likely
Very likely
...the week of Mon, Sep 19–Fri, Sep 23? *
Not at all likely
Very likely
Anything else you'd like to share about your availability or interest?
Would you be interested in splitting lodging with other participants?
for example, sharing an Airbnb
Clear selection
Do you have potential connections to an alternate venue for meetings?
e.g. with MSRI, UC Berkeley, Stanford, etc.; in case the Topos Insitute offices are not available
Anything else relevant you'd like to share?
e.g. suggestions for meeting formats differing from the MRC; things you would like to do at the Topos Institute; things you would like to do in the Bay Area
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