RSVP for Fall 2023 Visiting Student Welcome Social

Visiting Student Welcome Event

Wednesday October 18, 2023
4pm to 5:30pm
Bush Room, 10-105

You are invited to the Visiting Student Welcome Social! You will have the chance to enjoy donuts/coffee/hot chocolate while connecting with new and current visiting students during several interactive games.

RSVP (registration) required

Co-sponsored by ISO & VISTA

*Space is limited, so if you can no longer attend, please send Dana an email at

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Your name *
Your MIT email address *
When did you start your program at MIT? *
Example: September 2023, December 2022, etc.
What is your affiliation at MIT?
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Your department *
Country/countries of citizenship
Thank you for registering.
We look forward to seeing you there! 
*Because space is limited, if you can no longer attend, please send an email to Dana Riechman at

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