July Summer Camp 2024 Application

Join us for an unforgettable July Summer Camp 2024 experience! Spaces are limited, so don't delay. Priority will be given to applicants who can attend all 3 weeks, so be sure to secure your spot early.

Please ensure all forms are submitted by April 30th to be considered for participation.

There is no cost to attend this camp, and transportation will be provided. However, all camp participants are expected to attend at least 2 out of the 3 weeks.

Applications must be complete to be considered for participation. Expect an email notification confirming your child's acceptance or placement on the waiting list.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Child's Name *
Child’s Date of Birth *
Age *
Address (This will be used for Bus Transportation) *
Would you like bus transportation to Camp Adventure? *
If you selected yes, please make sure to list the pick up address and drop off address. 
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Gender *
Email address that is used regularly *
School *
Grade Level *
Current Teacher *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone *
Child Lives with  *
Emergency Contact 1: Phone Number and Relationship *
Emergency Contact 2: Phone Number and Relationship *
I give consent for Camp Staff to administer daily medication or obtain medical care in case of emergency.  *
Type Your Name below to verify consent along with the date.  *
Please list the names of people authorized to pick your child up from camp.  *
Allergies (If yes, please list all known allergies) *
Asthma (If yes, specify instruction, provide medication(s) and doctor's verification by prescription *
Bee Stings (Specify reaction to bee sting and provide medication) *
Medical Condition *
Medication(s) Currently Taking (Name of medication and reason for taking it) *
Please add any information which might help us in protecting your student's health.  *
Please list any dietary restrictions.  *
Shirt Size Youth/Adult *
Size *
My child will be able to attend all 3 weeks *
If maybe, or no, please explain and give the dates they are not available to attend. 

I give Camp Adventure permission to take and use photographs and/or videos of my child, during their participation in camp activities.

I understand that these photographs and/or videos may be used for promotional materials, social media, and other camp-related purposes.

Three things that interests my child are: *
What is a current challenge for your child? *
What are you hoping that your child gains from the July Summer Camp?  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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