DEIB Project: Grant Application
Enviar por e-mail *
Name(s)/Affiliation *
Pronouns *
Grade(s) *
Preferred Email(s) *
Please check your email often for updates about your grant! This will be our main channel of communication; If you do not reply in time, we will consider other applicants.
List three core values your project will focus on.  *
Please summarize your project in ~150-200 words *
Discuss your main idea and a soft timeline of your project, ex. mural and it will take through the school year into next September
What community is your project intended for? How will your project support that community? How does your project uplift equitable values? (~150-200 words) *
How does your project promote Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and or Belonging? (~100 words) *
What would success look like for this project? (150-200 words) *
What support system can you rely on to help with your project? 
List at least 1 teacher/staff member that could vouch for you. *
How much is your project going to cost? (rough estimate) *
The grant money will be distributed in the form of a check; does your party have the ability to access a bank account? *
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