Expansive Application

Expansive is a 12 month mastermind & strategic consulting container where seasoned agency owners go to up their game, ease their day-to-day, and expand their vision for their business.

It includes: monthly mastermind sessions, at-your-level community, and support when you need it.

You also have the opportunity to add on 1:1 coaching and / or a spot to our in-person retreat for Agency Owners, if you choose. 

If that sounds like the program you've been searching for, then please fill out this quick application and we'll go from there!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your full name?
(First and Last)
What is your email address? *
What is your Instagram handle? *
What is your business website? *
Have you ever been coached by Tasha before? *
Where did you hear about Expansive? *
Tell me about your online agency. 

How long has your agency been in business? What services do you offer? Who is your ideal client? How many team members do you have?
What is your current revenue per month? *
What are three areas where your agency currently thrives?  
What are the three biggest struggles inside your agency?
Describe your goals in detail.

 Where do you see your agency in 5 years? Are you looking to expand outside your agency and create multiple revenue streams? What is your revenue goal? How much time do you want to spend in your agency on a daily or weekly basis?
What makes you a good contributing member of Expansive mastermind?  
If we find that you're a good fit for Expansive, which tier of the mastermind program would you choose to invest in? *
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