Touch Feilding, Thursday afternoons
We have the opportunity of entering some teams in the Feilding Touch module for term 4 on Thursdays. Games are played from 4-8pm at Victoria Park, Feilding. For approximately 7-8 weeks.
This is available from year 1-8 depending on numbers.
Teams would be mixed teams in:
Year 1-2
Year 3-4
Year 5-6
Year 7-8

We would need a minimum of 9 players in each team to ensure we don’t run short when players are unable to play.

We would also require some support managing teams at each week's games .

Training will be held during lunchtimes each week. If you are interested in helping please indicate on the online form.

Entry fees which include uniforms, will cost $10 per student.

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Students Name:
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I can help support/manage a team on the Thursday games:
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I can help with some training of a team?
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