Join AFFIA for 2022-2023!
Thank you for your interest in the Asian Food and Feed Insect Association!

To join the team and drive the future of the insect as food and feed industry, please fill in your information below.
You will then receive the invoice corresponding to your membership category for the year 2022-2023 spanning from 01/09/2022 to 31/08/2023.

AFFIA looks forward to having you on board!
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
AFFIA shares documents using Google Drive: Please provide your google account email address (If different)
Family Name *
First Name *
Position *
Phone Number (Mobile with country code) *
What's app Number (if different, as active AFFIA discussions take place on what's app)
Short summary of background in the Insect Sector *
1.a Sector of interest ? *
1.b Insect specie(s) you are working with ?
2. You are applying as: *
3. You Apply as a Company or Research Institution
3a. Name of the entity
3b. Country of registration
3c. Registration number (if any)
3d. Adresse of the entity?
3e. Number of employees
3f. Website
4. You are applying as an Individual Researcher
4a. Name of Research Center
4b. Country of Registration
4c. Address of the research center
4d. Website
5. Authorized Representative or Colleague to keep in the communication look from your organisation (if different from Applicant)
5a. Family Name
5b. First Name
5c. Position
5d. Email address
5e. Phone Number (with extension) (Please indicate the number of your what's app/or line account)
I will proceed to the payment of the membership fees in Thai Baht using: *
I agree to pay for the AFFIA membership fees for 2021-2022. I will provide a picture of myself and a logo of my organisation to *
Sie erhalten unter der von Ihnen angegebenen E-Mail-Adresse eine Kopie Ihrer Antworten.
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