SESSION #2: Suicide Prevention and Screening for 911 Dispatchers
In the realm of public safety, dispatchers are often the first point of contact for individuals in crisis and they play a critical role in saving lives. This course equips dispatchers with the knowledge, skills and resources needed to effectively prevent and screen for suicide risk. Through comprehensive training modules, case studies, and interactive discussions, participants will learn evidence-informed best practices, legal considerations, and ethical approaches related to suicide prevention. By mastering these techniques, dispatchers can enhance their ability to recognize warning signs, identify at-risk individuals, provide compassionate support, and connect callers with appropriate resources. This course emphasizes the importance of self-care for dispatchers, recognizing that their well-being directly impacts their ability to assist others during crisis situations.

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Learning Objectives
  1. Develop the ability to recognize verbal, non-verbal and behavioral cues indicative of potential suicidal risk during emergency calls, enabling dispatchers to assess the risk and prioritize response effectively.
  2. Explore communication techniques to engage with distressed callers empathetically and practice de-escalation strategies to calm agitated and suicidal individuals.
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