Have Heart Somatics Waitlist

Hello! I'm so excited that you are interested in working together. I don't currently have space to take on additional 1:1 clients. If you fill out this waitlist form, I'll contact you when space opens up! We'll meet for a discovery call and figure out if it makes sense to move forward together.

Who I work with: I love to work with BIPOC organizers and movement leaders on all aspects of leadership and how you show up inside of the contributions you are making. I am also able to work with white organizers and leaders committed to multiracial organizing. I also love to work with activists, other healers, educators and artists. If you feel like you have a contribution to make in the world but feel stuck around your next moves or how to feel more of sense of choice and agency in your contribution, then we'd be a great fit!

The central questions that politicized somatics asks us into are, "what do I long for and what is my contribution?"  and "who and how will I be in order to make good on that contribution?" Somatics sessions will support you in coming into relationship with these questions in a way that allows you to feel for your choice and agency in a world that often wants to take it away. 

When we work together in an ongoing way we'll get to the heart of what really matters to you, feel for what is getting in the way of it, dignify what has taken care of you all along, and embody new practices that will support you in taking action in the world in ways that align with your values. 

The container: In somatics we say that it takes 300 repetitions of something before it is is committed to muscle memory and 3000 repetitions before it becomes our go to move under pressure. This means change takes time. Accordingly, we'll meet twice a month with a minimum 6 month commitment. I often work with folks for a year or longer. Clients who get the most out of sessions also commit to daily practice and homework outside of our sessions. New shape is sustained by practice! The financial commitment is $375/month. Our first session will be 75 minutes and all other sessions will be 55 minutes. 

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What has you interested in Somatics? Why this work for you now?  *
If all goes well and it's a good fit, I expect to work with folks for at least 6 months and often for a year or longer. We will meet 2x/month. I meet with clients biweekly on Wednesday afternoons, Thursdays, and Fridays. The financial commitment is $375/month, billed automatically. Does this work for you.  *
What is your race? *
Anything else you want me to know? *
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