Spooky Hill is Home 2023! 🎃
Spooky Hill is Home started during the pandemic, as a fun Halloweenish outdoor activity to do at a time when we were all scared, isolated and slowly going insane at home. Now in its fourth year, Spooky Hill is Home is back!

It's a fact well-known that everyone's favorite fall activity is walking around the Hill and oooohing and aaaaaahing at neighbors'  S P O O K Y décor. Want people to know you're decorating? Fill out your address and tell us what we should expect to see this year. Tell us if your tableau works better during day or evening hours! Tell us everything!

As with previous years' maps, only your approximate location and a title for your decorations will be featured. 

Looking forward to an extra spooky fall!

xoxo, THIH
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Correo *
Your name
Your address (don't worry-- it will not appear on the map)
What is your theme? Describe what people should expect, in a few words
Is your tableau a day or evening one (or both)? *
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