We are inviting you to join a 2-day storytelling workshop for all English speaking students in VU and have fun during isolation time. We can invite-only 14 participants, so hurry up!
WORKSHOP TIME: 7 and 8 th of September. From 10.00 till 15.00 with a lunch break.
After the workshop, you will be invited to join the Online Open Stage Night!

Milda Varnauskaitė is a Lithuanian storyteller and storytelling coach based in Amsterdam. Her style fuses stories from the Baltic region with life experiences and insights, often through the lens of comedy. She performs regularly across the Netherlands and Lithuania, some key events were at The Oerol Festival of Terschelling, ‘Amsterdam International Storytelling Festival’, 'Amsterdam Roots Festival', 'Explore the North' festival in Leeuwarden, Frascati and Podium Mozaiek theatres in Amsterdam. A proud graduate of Mezrab Storytelling School, Milda also teaches storytelling at Vilnius University, and is the founder of the 'Baltic Storytelling Centre'.
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