【國立政治大學 英語教學資源中心】跨校講座:清華以及清大電機系的英語授課:我的實踐與反思 EMI at NTHU and the Department of Electrical Engineering: My Personal Practice and Reflection 報名表


● 演講時間 Time

  •  2024.12.02 (Mon.)


● 演講主題 Topic

  • 清華以及清大電機系的英語授課:我的實踐與反思    
  • EMI at NTHU and the Department of Electrical Engineering: My Personal Practice and Reflection

 線上 Online

  • The Webex meeting link will be sent out before the online lecture.
  • 線上講座屆時會寄發Webex會議連結

● 演講流程 Schedule

  • 10:00-10:15  陳憶寧 國立政治大學雙語及多元文化推動辦公室執行長 兼 國立政治大學國合處國合長 兼 國立政治大學傳播學院特聘教授 開場

    10:15-11:10 劉奕汶 國立清華大學電機資訊學院電機工程學系特聘教授 兼 國立清華大學副教務長  演講

    11:10-11:25 與談人 施琮仁 國立政治大學傳播學院教授 兼 國立政治大學研究暨發展中心主任

    11:25-11: 40 與談人 許琇娟 國立政治大學國立政治大學應用物理研究所副教授

    11:40-12:10 綜合討論

● 與談人Panelist

  • 施琮仁  教授(國立政治大學傳播學院,國立政治大學研究暨發展中心主任),講題: Reflections on EMI Course Design: Teaching for Diverse Audiences and Purposes
  • 許琇娟  副教授(國立政治大學應用物理研究所),講題: EMI in Applied Physics 應用物理中的 EMI

●  主辦單位 Organizer

  • 國立政治大學英語教學資源中心| EMI Resource Center, NCCU
  • Website: https://www.eminccu.com/
  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nccu.emi/
  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nccu.emi?igsh=YWg4MGR4ZWFqYXU=
  • 電子郵件 nccu.emi@gmail.com 
  • 電話 02-29393091 分機 60326

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About Distinguished Professor and Associate Vice President for Office of Academic Affairs Yi-Wen Liu

Prof. Yi-Wen Liu obtained a B.S. in E.E. from NTU in 1996, and a Ph.D. in E.E. from Stanford University in 2006. He conducted research in human hearing as a postdoc at Boys Town National Research Hospital in Omaha, Nebraska for 4 years before joining NTHU in 2010. At NTHU, Prof. Liu held several administration positions, such as Division Head at the Center for Teaching and Learning Development (2016), Director at the Office of Global Affairs (2019-2022), and he currently serves as the Chair of Interdisciplinary Program of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs. Yi-Wen's personal hobbies include bird watching, playing the piano, and running.
In this talk, I will share my experience in offering EMI courses in the Department of Electrical Engineering at NTHU over the past 10+ years. I am mainly responsible for "Digital Signal Processing" and the class size has been over 100 students every year. Students get 3 credits for the course, but in recent years I decided to meet 4 hours every week so that we have adequate time for in-class discussion. In order to create a friendly and comfortable atmosphere for the discussion sessions, I often seek inspiration from TV hosts. To ensure that students will volunteer to share their solution to the problems (in English), we let in-class participation account for 6% of the final grade. This grading policy generally works well in terms of facilitating discussion, but some students objected it in the end and questioned about the fairness. I would like to hear some comments from our friends at NCCU. If time allows, I will also report some of the statistics regarding EMI at different colleges across NTHU, and how we encourage all the colleges to find what EMI means to them and identify their own path to promote it.
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