Captain Jack - Crew Audition Form
Hey You! 🔥

Prepare for a BRAND NEW Space Engineers series! 
We're looking for new vibrant individuals to join our team in creating videos, chaos and more! Do you have what it takes to light up the room? Perhaps you could see yourself salvaging the next big starship with Mr Castle, or gunning down a drone with Captain Jack?

The quest now falls to you. Can you be the next recruit into Redwood to join the team?

Submit Your Audition (RECORDING)

We're looking to learn more about you and see if you'd be a good fit for the Recording Team. This is only open to those who are 18+ and are able to meet our recording times. 

Please read through the form and answer the questions honestly and as in-depth as you can. The more information you give us, the better we can build an idea of who you are and what your vibe is.

Audition wise, this is your chance to SHINE! Tell us about yourself, make yourself stand out. Why should we choose YOU. Imagine you're auditioning to be on the next Star Wars series. Give us a tasting of your abilities when it comes to Role Play, or perhaps tell us your knowledge of Space Engineers. Crack a joke Castle would love? 
  • Your RECORDING Audition must contain your VOICE
  • Files must either be uploaded by YouTube Unlisted link, or Google Drive / Dropbox
  • Maturity (But we love a good joke!)
  • Excellent Time Management Skills (Don't turn up late, please!)
  • Age 18+
  • Space Engineers On PC (Steam - Sorry, no Xbox or PlayStation atm!)
  • Quality Microphone Setup (Sorry, no phones, tablets, webcams or built-in microphones = bad quality)
  • Please share your example via GOOGLE DRIVE, DROPBOX or YOUTUBE (Via Unlisted Links)

Questions? Ask via Discord or contact the Community Moderation Team via "Mod Mail" from within the server.
Thanks all!
- Jack

Email *
Full Name *
We'll need to know what to call you, out of character!
Discord Username *
Discord is our main form of communication, as such, we'll require your username. Please input the name and # numbers, like this - Dave#0123
Date Of Birth (18+) *
Our crew is made up of mature individuals, as such, potential crew members need to be above the age of 18 to join the crew. 
Timezone *
We record in the GMT Time zone. Specifically, we record on the following day
- WEDNESDAY @ 20:00 - 22:30 GMT

As such, we need to know your current time zone to plan accordingly. 
Can you meet the above date and time? *
Tell Us About Yourself! *
What do you vibe with? Tell us about yourself!
Have you taken part in a YouTube Series / Twitch Series before? If so, tell us about it! *
This is our chance to gauge your experience in working in content creation environments. 
You find yourself in Captain Jack's Colony Team! What role do you take up? *
Examples: Builder, Solider, Pilot etc
Please Link Your Audition Example *
As mentioned at the top of this form, please give us a good audition for why YOU should join the crew. We accept submissions via YouTube UNLISTED link, Google Drive or Dropbox. The link must be public so that the team can access it.

NOTE: Failure to submit a link will result in your audition not going further. 
Anything else we should know?  *
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