ACX & Rationality Meetup Organizers Retreat: NA East
This is a regional retreat for ACX & Rationality meetup organizers who run meetups in North America closer to the Atlantic than the Pacific (east of the Mississippi river). We'll be meeting in Boston, Massachusetts, United States during Labor Day weekend (2023/09/01 to 2023/09/03). Funding / grants for expenses is unfortunately not covered at this time, we are selling tickets to cover the cost of this retreat.

Application deadline: June 30, 2023 23:59 EDT.

Why: Grow this region's active rationality & ACX meetups, help onboard new or less experienced organizers into the community, share tips and best practices for organizing, and have fun! See also the Why from last year's global retreat, but this year focused on the North America East region;

You are invited to apply if you:
  • Currently organize ACX/LW/rationality meetups or other rationalist community events anywhere east of the Mississippi river.

  • Would like to start an ACX/LW/rationality community in a city where none exists, or where the community has been small or dormant for a long time

  • Formerly organized ACX/LW/rationality meetups and are interested in sharing your knowledge and experience

  • Live outside of this region but are an experienced organizer who happens to be in Boston during Labor Day weekend. (These type of spots may be limited)
Multiple organizers from a city may apply, there's no city-based quota. If we have too many applicants we may need to narrow down selection to primary organizer(s) in a city and to make sure the greatest number of communities are represented.

Are you more into Effective Altruism (EA) than ACX/LW/rationality but want to attend too? Please go ahead and apply! There will be a limited amount of spots for EA organizers. Bonus points for your application if you are interested in / actively working to create overlapping meetup groups or communities in your city / state where EAs & Rationalists work, hangout, or meet together: I believe our communities are stronger and more fun when we build together, there's a lot of congruent or shared interests.

A retreat goes better when everyone participating in it are active participants. Plan to be busy for the duration of the retreat, this should be "the main thing" you do during retreat weekend. "None of the programming is mandatory — we're all adults here — but I expect that you'll get more out of the retreat the more engaged you are."

The exact price for the retreat is yet to be determined. That's why the application deadline is a little earlier than the end of this month, as we need to identify the amount of attendees so that we can calculate final pricing based on lodging and food.

I am asking for a few co-organizers to take primary on or provide assistance with a few logistics or other matters for the retreat, let's work together to make this retreat happen!

Questions? Contact me: or Discord (Lucidiae#3459)

Who am I?
My name is Willa, I used to run meetups in Houston, Texas before moving to Norfolk, Virginia where I currently run meetups. I currently work in healthcare & do enterprise technical stuff for medical applications. I attended last year's Global Organizer's Retreat, learned a ton, and found that to be an inspiring & fun experience.


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