Lucky Bloke's Playb0y® Global Condom Review:   Participant Sign-up!

Wildly popular internationally, PLAYB0Y® Condoms are now launching in the U.S.A.!

Lucky Bloke® is celebrating the occasion by inviting YOU to join our ongoing
Mission Great Sex: Global Condom Reviews, now for the first time featuring
a collection of PLAYB0Y® styles!

As always, your mission involves testing the world's finest condoms – in the comfort
and privacy of your own place, lover's place, or any other location you'd like...

So, how does it work?

1. We provide FREE premium condoms (including new PLAYB0Y® condoms)..
2. You take them for a test drive with your favorite partner(s)..
3. Share your feedback via your confidential identity protected review.

You'll be contacted over the next few days with the next steps for your first mission.
Your response helps us sort you into the proper review group.

(Again, your identity will be held in the strictest confidence.)

TL;DR: If having sex is your kind of homework, consider signing up with Lucky Bloke
for science(!) and better condoms for all!

Note: There is absolutely no purchase necessary.

New to Lucky Bloke?
Informed by in-house condom research studies that include thousands of couples in over 35 countries, Lucky Bloke guides people toward finding the best condom fit and style for their individual needs. An essential takeaway of LB’s condom research is that understanding condom fit is key to enabling greater pleasure for condom users. Lucky Bloke's mission is raising global awareness about condom innovation, quality and proper fit. Ready to join us? !!

Need to get in touch?! |

PLAYB0Y®Condoms – Respect Your Partner(s)
While pursuing pleasure for all while promoting healthy, consensual, and safe sex practices, the condom line features innovation that promises a better condom experience with increased pleasure.

Have they succeeded? Sign up below and you tell us.

Ready to take your sex life to the next level of safety and pleasure?  
Simply fill out the questionnaire below - and you're in!  

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First & Last Name *
We will not release this information. Your identity will remain protected.
Email Address *
Confirm Email Address *
Mobile Number *
Date of Birth:  MM/DD/YYYY *
About Me: *
Sexual Orientation *
Relationship status. Please choose the option that best describes you. *
Your answer will allow us to place you within our review groups. Your identity will remain protected.
Frequency of Sex *
Your answer will allow us to place you within our review groups. Your identity will remain protected.
Why do you use condoms? *
Your answer will allow us to place you within our review groups. Your identity will remain protected.
Are you currently a college student? *
Your answer will allow us to place you within our review groups. Your identity will remain protected.
Please choose the category that best describes you. *
Your answer will allow us to place you within our review groups. Your identity will remain protected.
Please choose the category that best describes you. *
Your answer will allow us to place you within our review groups. Your identity will remain protected.
Please choose the category that best describes your condom SIZE requirements. *
The more truthful you answer this question the greater chance you will receive condoms to review that fit properly - improving safety and your pleasure!
Are you or your partner allergic to latex? *
Your answer will allow us to place you within our review groups. Your identity will remain protected.
What condom brand do you typically buy/use? You may select more than one. *
Your answer will allow us to place you within our review groups. Your identity will remain protected.
Are you more likely to use a Playboy condom (over other brands)?
Clear selection
Do you think your partner would be more willing to use a Playboy condom (over other brands)?
Clear selection
Would you trust Playboy to get condom pleasure right (over other brands)?
Clear selection
What is your favorite aspect of the Playboy brand?
Where did you hear about the Lucky Bloke & Playboy Global Condom Review? (Please and thank you.) *
We are just curious like that.
Anything else you'd like us to know?!
We aim to please.
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