Tobacco Research Part 2 September 2022
Dear Participants

We are now carrying out stage 2 of this Tobacco Study

Stage 2 of this research will consist of in home testing and involve evaluating product samples and then completing short online surveys. You will be required to test up to 12 tobacco products total (1 per day) which will be available for collection from points across the United Kingdom including London, Exeter, Birmingham, Manchester and West Cornwall. Detailed instructions will be sent by email to the selected participants.
As a thank you gift for your valued participation, you will get £60 in Love2Shop vouchers. This will be sent within 14 days of you completing this study. The surveys will not take any longer than 20 minutes to complete so all you will need is access to a smart phone, tablet or PC and internet.

If you are interested in taking part, please apply by completing the short survey below. If you seem suitable to take part will be in touch within the next 2 weeks via email or phone call.

Please feel free to forward this survey link to friends and family who may also be interested in taking part.


Please note the previous tobacco study that has been postponed is now restarting, you can take part in both of these studies if you meet the criteria and can apply for our other study by clicking here and filling in another short form (You need to complete both sign up forms to take part in both stages)


Best Wishes,
Opinion Hub Team
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Please indicate your gender *
 Are you pregnant or could it be likely that you are pregnant? Or are you breast-feeding? *
How old are you? *
Mobile number *
When did you last take part in a market research discussion group or interview *
If so what was the topic/topics
Have you taken part in Opinion Hubs Market Research related to Smoking within the last 12 months?
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If so, please state the project(s) you took part in
We are looking for people who do and do not work in certain occupations. Do you or anyone in your household work in any of the following areas? *
Do you smoke Roll Your Own Tobacco? *
Do you smoke Factory Manufactured Cigarettes? *
Which of the following do you smoke/use most regularly? *
How do you prepare your ‘roll your own’ cigarettes? *
How many ‘Roll Your Own’ Cigarettes do you smoke per day on average?  *
How many Factory Made Cigarettes do you smoke per day on average?  *
About how long have you been smoking ‘Roll Your Own’ Cigarettes? *
About how long have you been smoking Factory Made Cigarettes? *
Below are a range of different ways other people have described themselves. To what extent does each of these statements describe you? *
Not at all like me
Not like me
A little like me
A lot like me
I'm open to new products and experiences
When I buy something I like, I tend to recommend it to others
How I'm viewed by others is very important to me
Below are a range of different ways other people have described how they feel about using nicotine products, Now, thinking across ALL of the nicotine products you use, please indicate the point on the scale that best describes you in relation to these. *
I am willing to make compromises on nicotine and/ or tobacco products quality for a better price
I am not willing to compromise on nicotine and/ or tobacco products quality for a cheaper price
I'm really feeling the financial pressure of using nicotine and/ or tobacco products
I'm not really feeling the financial pressure using nicotine and/ or tobacco products
I don't like using nicotine and/ or tobacco products
I really like using nicotine and/ or tobacco products
I'm really feeling the societal pressure of using nicotine and/ or tobacco products
I'm not feeling the societal pressure of using nicotine and/or tobacco products at all
What exact Rolling Tobacco brand do you mainly smoke? (Please write exactly what it is written on your usual product package, please type NA if you don't smoke Rolling Tobacco.) *
What exact Factory Made Cigarette brand do you mainly smoke? (Please write exactly what it is written on your usual product package, please write NA if you don't smoke Cigarettes.) *
Which of the following statements best describes you? *
Now we have a few more statements for you where we would like to know whether you agree with them or not *
I believe I can put my impressions and opinions well into words
I like to experiment and try out new things and new combinations
I feel comfortable discussing with others
Others describe me as a creative person, full of ideas
Others would describe me as a person with self confidence
I like to freely state my opinion
When I see a new brand on the shelf, I often just buy it to see what it is like
Now I have a question that is a little different from the other ones, What is the last special gift you gave someone and what made it special? *
Where did you hear about this project? *
Opinion Hub Ltd will use the information you provide on this form to analyse whether you fit our client’s criteria to take part in this project. If you appear suitable we will pass your details to our client for processing. However we only pass on your answers and first name, we exclude contact details and surname. Please click the option below to enable us to contact you and book you in for this project and allow us to share your information with our client and third party courier company. If you are not currently on our database and would like to be please also tick the add to mailing list option below. You can change your mind at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link in the footer of any email you receive from us, or by contacting us at We will treat your information with respect. For more information about our privacy practices please visit our website. By clicking below, you agree that we may process your information in accordance with these terms. Your data will be held securely, transferred securely and deleted at the end of the project. For full data policies please visit our website.

I am happy for you to share my answers with your clients *
If you are not already signed up to our main mailing list would you like to be added
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