Austin, TX Waitlist - Shuffle Dating
How it works:
  1. Fill this form.
  2. We will contact you if a spot opens up for any relevant events!
  3. There is no real order for the waitlist. Usually we blast all relevant folks, and whoever purchases a ticket first will get the spot.
  4. If you would like to be removed from the waitlist, email us:
  5. Your phone number is optional, but recommended.
    This helps us get in touch quickly in case of last-minute cancellations. By providing your phone number you consent to receiving SMS or calls from us.
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Email *
First Name  *
Age  *
Sex *
Sexual Orientation *
Cellphone Number 
Notify me about:
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(optional) Specific dates or age ranges of interest?
Please give us the city / date / time of events that most interest you.
You may also indicate any other preferences or notes here, for example age ranges. 
Contact us with questions -
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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