Banff Isn't Disposable: Customer Feedback Form
Thank you for your interest in BID! Since we are a pilot program, your honest feedback will help us make our program even better down the road.

Please go to the section that best describes your situation, and answer all questions in the section.
PAGE 1 : I ordered food in a reusable takeout box from BID
PAGE 2 : I did not use the BID containers but have a suggestion

If you have any direct questions, please feel free to contact
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I am... *
How did you find out about BID? *
How often do you eat out or get takeout per month? (including cafe food/coffee) *
Are there any restaurants/cafes in town that you wished offered reusable takeout?
Would you want the town to invest in reusable systems in the long term? (ie. Support BID?) *
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