Chorus Club Sign-Up
Please fill out this form for each of your 4th and 5th Grade students who would like to join Chorus Club this year. 

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Student Name *
Parent/Guardian Name *
Parent/Guardian Email *
Parent/Guardian Phone *
Student Homeroom *
How will your student be getting picked up from chorus practice? (Please note that buses are NOT an option). *
This year, Chorus Club will be meeting After School on Tuesdays until 3:15pm. By checking this box, you acknowledge that your student will be able to attend after school practices.  *
Our Chorus Club has 3 evening performances this year at Westmont High School. The performances are on:
Thursday, 12/12
Wednesday, 3/26
Thursday, 5/15

Your student needs to be able to attend these performances in order to participate in the group.
Please check this box to acknowledge the importance of attendance at chorus practice. If your student misses 3 chorus club practices, they will not be able to participate in the next concert. 

***Absences from school due to illness will not count against the student. 
Students are expected to be Respectful, Responsible, Safe, and Kind while at Manning School. This goes for clubs as well. I understand that if my student is not following the Manning Way in Chorus Club, they may be removed from the group.  *
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