1. Only Music Teachers should complete this form AFTER CONFIRMING that the listed students are committed to participating in this event and have parental permission to do so.
2. Teachers may nominate up to 15 students from their school. If a choir director works at more than one school (e.g., a Middle and a High School), they may submit separate forms for up to 15 students from each school's choir program. There are 10 nomination spots on this form, if you have more students to nominate please use a second form for the remainder of students.
3. Nominations are confidential for OWU festival staff only.
4. If nominating less than 10 students, you only need to complete this form for as many students as necessary and then select "Next" until you reach the final submit button.
NOTE: Music teachers are the primary communicators to relay festival info to students and families! Many emails sent to parents or students end up firewalled, junked, or sent to an incorrect address.
Acceptance results, practice parts, and parent confirmation forms will be shared directly with music teachers so that they can relay this information to their students and families.
Timeline in preparation for the 2024 OWU Honor Choir Festival:
Nominations Due: September 30th
Payment Due: October 14th
Note learning Session: Saturday, November 9th 1:00-2:30, Voice Masterclass 2:30-3:30 @ OWU (Sanborn Hall)
Festival Day: Monday, November 11th 8:00AM @ OWU (Sanborn Hall)