PT365 Static class-14 (20-Jan-2024)
Which of these animals is not found on seals of Indus Valley Civilization?
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Boghazkoi inscription was found in
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Yavanapriya, mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts, was:
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Who among the following was not a contemporary of the other three?
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Battle of Hydaspes (326 BC) was fought on banks of which river?
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Which of the following scripts are mostly written from right to left?
1. Harappan
2. Arabic
3. Brahmi
4. Latin
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Which of the following are correct about Lapis lazuli:
1. It is a deep-blue colored metamorphic rock
2. It was mined from Sar-i Sang mines in Shortugai, Afghanistan.
3. Its beads are found at Neolithic burials in Mehrgarh
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