Heritage Assets and Climate Change
This questionnaire, forms part of my research for an independent project for my foundation degree in History, Heritage and Archaeology at Strode College.  I would appreciate your comments and answers to some questions in respect of the protection of heritage assets against climate change.  With increasing temperatures and rising sea levels, there is a risk to the coastal heritage assets in Somerset from Brean Down to Minehead.  With the move towards a unitary council I am investigating the methods being used and any mitigation against this situation as we move forward,  from both the decision makers and members of the public.  Your answers will form part of my research, your personal information will remain confidential and will be destroyed upon completion.  If you would like to receive more information or contact me directly my email is: Jstrong@student.strode-college.ac.uk 
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Apex Park
Are you familiar with the term 'Heritage Asset'? *
Should we be protecting our heritage for future generations? *
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