Muktamar 2024 Youth Farewell Submissions Form
As-salaamu ‘alaykum! Thank you for your interest in performing at our Youth Farewell. This year, the event will take place on Saturday, December 28 4-6:30PM. Our community is filled with diverse talents that we want to highlight. This year, we want to encourage and highlight the artistic, intellectual, spiritual, and religious excellence.

We will be giving prizes to the top 3 winners! Please read the following guidelines and complete the form appropriately.

FORM DEADLINE: Friday, December 28 9AM CT

Age Limit: 11-19
Suggested themes:
  • Displaying courage in our belief in Allah 
  • The Resilience of our Muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine
  • The Beauty of our Muslim community
Suggested submissions:
  • Quran recitation
  • Video submissions
  • Skits
  • Poetry
  • Spoken word
  • Stand-up comedy
  • Talks or presentations (TedTalk style)
  • If submitting a Musical Act: limited spots accepted on a case-by-case basis. 
  • Performances (including remixes) must reflect Islamic values. Basing off themes as mentioned above are encouraged! 
  • No profanity or inappropriate content (keep it PG)
  • Nasheed are encouraged. (E.g. Maher zain, zain bhikha, Yusuf islam, Raihan, etc)
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First Name
Last Name
How old are you
What city and state are you from? (City, State)
Phone Number
What will you be submitting?
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If you selected "live performance" what will you be performing? (enter n/a if not applicable)
If you selected "video" do you agree to submitting appropriate content that meets a 7 minute limit?
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Please indicate what equipment you will be needing (ie. mics, laptop, projector, etc) or type n/a if not applicable
Please type your name below to indicate your participation in Youth Got Talent with appropriate and respectful content:
Please provide any additional information you think would be important for us to know or submit questions you have. If you are submitting a video, please upload your submission to your Google Drive and share it with with the subject as Muktamar YGT Video Submission 2024

Let us know below if you have any questions, comments, or concerns or message one of our heads, Hanan, at 4193244777
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